Blogging From Sheep Meadow

September 02 2005

So, right now I am blogging from the middle of Sheep Meadow in Central Park. It is amazing to me that I can sit in the middle of a HUGE field and have access to the internet... sure I had to pay an independent wireless ISP $9.95 for 10 hours of access, but hey, that is better than paying $20 per month at Starbucks. Anyways, I need to relax like this more often. I usually fill my time with work, PhuseBox stuff, or small side-projects. I find it hard to just sit sometimes. Anyways, I am out, but first some photos of me relaxing evening in the middle of Central Park:

sheep meadow in central park

me relaxing in central park

my powerbook


September 02 2005
Nice. Hey is there a limit to the size/number of photos I can keep uploaded?


September 02 2005
wish i was there with ya man!


September 02 2005
i wish i was there to!

Matt Beck

September 02 2005
nope, upload as many as you like

Matt Beck

September 02 2005
Nathan, you're going to have ants on your motherboard, haha. Did you get a mini? I thought you had a 4th generation iPod.

Nathan Moore

September 02 2005
it is a 4th gen. it looks like a silver mini because i have a silver hard case...

Donald Allen

September 02 2005
i'm trying to grow my hair out, i'm gonna try not to cut it for three more years.....

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

September 02 2005
take me to central park? please?

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

September 02 2005
sounds like a plan. and we can take rachel with us too.


September 03 2005
Well where are the sheep? Hmmm?


September 03 2005
wow...that seems like a nice park. and relaxing? gosh, that something that i rarely get to do.


September 03 2005
I went to New York in July. Its amazing. Central Part was beautiful. Thanks for the offer for help.

Jody Barnwell

September 04 2005
nathan, you are the essence of coolness :)