Apple's Takeover

August 09 2005
This is an interesting article about why Apple is on the verge of releasing a stand-alone version of it's OS X operationg system as a plot to overthrow windows vista. Yeah, I think Apple is about to take over the home PC market. Too bad for Moneybags Gates .


Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

August 09 2005
And for everyone who likes computer games and the like.

Cara Hawkins

August 09 2005
I don't think that will happen any time soon..My dad works for Microsoft, you wouldn't believe all the secret stuff I get to hear about. The wonders of my Father having a home office.


August 09 2005
OS X was always a stronger OS. As far as things up Microsoft's sleeve for Longhorn or Vista or whatever it's called, they're mostly copies of features from other OS's.