Virginia Tech

April 21 2007
Why is it that any time a tragedy happens in this country, the media are so quick to blame everyone except the one responsible? It never fails.

As my wife and I watched the news about Virginia Tech this past week, there was almost non-stop discussion about the "warning signs" and how the police could have prevented more killings by shuting down the campus - and so forth. Seriously, why do we look to blame everyone but the person actually responsible?

Yes, the Virginia Tech shootings were a tragedy... but THE SOLE cause was a duranged college student... not the faculty that should have caught the warning signs, not the police, not anybody except him.

Warning signs are just warning signs... they are not 100% indicators of anything. There are hundreds of students across the nation that probably act in a similar way to how the VA Tech killer acted... quiet. reserved. inner conflict. anti-social. Just because someone possesses warning signs does not mean he or she will do something crazy. And if they do in fact carry out some tragic event, it is not the fault of the ones that "should have caught it sooner."

There are always things that could have been done differently - things that could have prevent any given tragic event. But the thing is that hindsight is always perfect. We can analyze all the events and determine what may have helped the situation, but lets stop pointing fingers at the faculty and the police and recognize that the shootings at Virginia Tech were the climax of how a duranged college student wanted to be remembered. It is just sad.

Brittany Wood

April 21 2007
I completely agree. No one but the shooter is to blame here. I understand that the shooter may have been desturbed, but that doesn't change the fact that he still did what he did. And about the warning signs: it was recommended that he seek counseling by some of his writing teachers after he turned in some "disturbing" writings. Those teachers did all they could do. They couldn't have forced him to go to counseling, that's against the law. There's no need to blame the school either. They did all they could do with the information they had at the time. The initial shootings looked to be an isolated domestic despute. Shutting down the campus wouldn't have done anything if in fact it were an isolated domestic dispute. Even if the campus was shut down, if the shooter was so determined to do what he did, he could have just waited until the campus what opened back up.

Jonathan Wood

April 21 2007
If people stringently followed warning signs, I'd have been locked up long ago.


April 21 2007
I totally agree... and then it's sad how they are actually glorifying the killer by showing all his tapes and stuff... that's exactly what he wanted...

Brittany Wood

April 21 2007
Amy makes a really good point. The killer is etting exactly what he wanted.