"Surprise" Parties

June 04 2005

photo from sarah

so... tonight was my "surprise" going away party. thanks to everyone who came! it was a blast!

Sara Shaban

June 04 2005
*tear* and it was only tues. that I met you at starbucks.


June 04 2005
dude that was freakishly weird. I was looking at your site.. then left and went to mine... and BOOM you left me a "remark"

Nelson Lumpkin

June 04 2005
I thought that pic was funny even though it made no sense whatsoever. That's just me though. 'Sall good in duh hood.

Rachel Pearl

June 04 2005
Oh, how sad. Where are you moving to? I work for a music publisher administrator on Music Row and I do the odd end things. I really like that job, but I have another one that pays the bills.

katie nabors

June 04 2005
phusebox is amazing.

elizabeth duncan

June 04 2005
i know...(about the apple store). my friend chris (formerly of aireline fame) now works there. cool! at least it's somewhat near. and at my favorite mall!