
June 03 2005
I added "hometown" to the profile option so you can find people in your hometown... update your profiles.

Nelson Lumpkin

June 03 2005
Hey Nathan, it won't accept the profile pic that I copied.

the brian king kenobi

June 03 2005
hey, so i made a new group and it won't show that i or anyone else is in it. ???

the brian king kenobi

June 03 2005
on second thought, i made a typo in the name anyway, so can you destroy it and lemme try again?

Nelson Lumpkin

June 03 2005
Ha! I figured out what I did wrong, false alarm!


June 03 2005
a tech question: the one thing that i've always disliked about firefox is that it can't read the html for table filters like Glow and Alpha. do you know any way to get at least similar effects?


June 03 2005
okay, well apparently no color tags work, either...what do i need to get them to work?