Give Me A Break!

June 19 2005

"We know, we know - comments have been down for too long!!

Rather than wait to hear back from our vendors on how to easily recover the comments, we're just going to re-enable commenting.

We'll be restoring comments from a backup over the next 12 hours. It will take time for your comments to re-appear on your site! Please bear with us - it will take some time, but we figure that this way... at least we can all use the site in the meantime.

We're working around the clock to get the comments back onto site ASAP. We're very sorry for this, and will keep you posted on updates as soon as we have them!

UPDATE 12:45 pm, EST: It's taking longer than we had hoped to re-activate comments. Our first plan didn't work, but we have some alternative paths we're taking now. As soon as we have a sense of timeframe, we'll post an update"


laughable. that's all. more features to PhuseBox coming soon (and you can leave comments, unlike xanga's current position)...


June 19 2005
ha! lol well im just sayin but xanga is old but here is sum advice. no offence but this is getting boring so i would hurry up on thoes new features cuz we r gettin bored. ttyl

Dana Yo

June 19 2005
this rocks so much more than xanga, just so ya know. lol

Sarah Vermillion

June 19 2005
Yeah, pretty sure phusebox is the coolest blogging system ever invented.

Jessica Byrd

June 20 2005
Hehehe. Silly Xanga. I hate the way they say they're going to work on the site for an hour and it takes six or seven.

Abby Dee

June 20 2005
yeah.. xanga's really beginning to make me sad.


June 20 2005
the only thing about xanga that is better is html so PLEASE hurry up w/sum new features thnx!!! LiNDsAy ps i wanna b able 2 say that my phuse box site is more awesomeer than any1s xanga!!

Garrett Haynes

June 20 2005
yaay for phusebox...booo for xanga.