summer has ended

August 28 2005
on the eve of mtsu classes starting, i take a moment to remember the summer of 2005. it started off with graduation, then a trip to memphis for state tournament. two more weeks later i roamed the beaches of panama city with some of the most awesome people. a couple more weeks later a trip to the valley of windy gap was made with all of school friends. that was a fun time. start work then it was back to the gap for work crew. probably the most fun i have ever had in two weeks with people i had just met. i strongly recommend it. come back start workin with people who love their job and have a smile on their face. and today i end it with a trip to the lake. nothing more satisfying than that. i'll tell you what, i have never had as much fun during all my summers than i have had in this one. i look forward to the school year. the people i will meet and i'll the stuff i will learn. to me, it can only get better. hopefully you feel the same way. im out, dueces