
June 27 2005
ok, so does having 5 restraunts all in the nashville area count as a chain, because when i think of a chain, i think national or regional. i don't know...would we count la siesta as a chain because there are 4 of them or whatever? just wondering

ellie lancaster

June 28 2005
i think more than one is a chain. hey, did you know brett is going to be up here for ptt? are you coming up to visit this summer?

Rebecca Tenpenny

June 29 2005
it's a chain. haha i cant believe you did your research. i think it's a chain. a short one....but a chain later!

Rebecca Tenpenny

June 29 2005
haha you love me....with a passion...i mean...im not kidding...madly in love maybe...i might go that far. haha

Rebecca Tenpenny

June 29 2005
he he he...my plan is unfolding so perfectly...