a job.

July 18 2005
working for mis padres is just not cutting it anymore. that really stinks.

so now i have to go out in the real world and find an after school job.
i thought my own little world was nifty, that was until my mommy stopped giving me money.

my first pick- boys and girls club.

wish me luck.

oh, i think delta should go and do something before dana leaves, again. POOR DANA!
if you are not a member of delta, the coolest thing since sliced bread AND cubed ice, you are just not cool.

so what is everyone doing thursday around lunch???


July 18 2005
Am I a member of Delta?? I don't remember...but I wrote part of a script, lol. It sucks, but it's something to go off of.


July 18 2005
Wednesday would be better.

Stephanie Levine

July 18 2005
delta???..why do you leave me out of things?!?!?!haha i love you


July 18 2005
hey did you call sunday morning??