new slideshow

April 17 2006

new slideshow, on my last blog. in a comment.

[from easter]

[blurry pictures i know, my little sister took most of the pics. lol.]


April 19 2006
do you really live in california.


April 19 2006
ohh. ive never been to california. is it fun there. ive been to knoxville though. its pretty neat.


April 20 2006
you dont like knoxville? it seems pretty big to me. i only live in lttle old murfreesboro. its pretty boring too. i guess anywhere you live seems more boring than it really is are you a big ut fan?


April 21 2006
i love taking pictures and being random it's awesome!


April 21 2006
yeah football is ok. ultimate frisbee is way better. but when i said ut i didnt mean exactly all football i just meant ut in general. but i guess football really is ut in general. haha


April 22 2006
im dumb. but ut did actually ok in basketball this year. and the womens basketball always does good. but yeah football is basically ut.