the weekend

August 07 2005
This weekend was so much fun!!! Tyler's birthday was on Friday, yay for cookies and stupid party hats! Then on Saturday, Marylane came over and she and my dad and I painted my room, and it's soooooo great! I've been waiting such a long time to do this, and I'm totally happy with the color. It's purple; the technical color is "Starry Sky." Then I went and hung out with Tyler, Katie, and Adam at the library and we saw an "octopus" in the fountain. Today I moved all my furniture back in my room and put my posters and such back on my walls, and now I'm typing out this entry.

Now, it's time for band camp. *heaves a giant sigh of resignation*

Katie Schneider

August 09 2005
I love Kellllllly!