
August 12 2005
1st-spanish I with kate, chris, brittney, collin & randy

2nd-drivers ed/interior design-kelsey, croy, deon, kylie, & some other kids are in my drivers ed...i know kels will be in my class the 2nd semseter

3rd-biology hon-bohall umm jessica, trisha, darius, cory, joey, colby, shea, adam & a whole bunch of other people

LUNCH kels, tay, jess, caci & some others

4th-journalism-jessica, caci, croy, & tiffany & some upperclassmen

5th-english II advanced hon.-stu, troy, kelsey, jessica, cathrine & some other people..basically i know the whole class

6th-gemotry hon.-storey, andrew & christy

yeah i know yall are so intrested in my schedule so i gave it to you...might change who knows


August 12 2005
Interior design sounds cool. Journalism... awesome. I loved journalism.