One thing, thats all... Another Question

January 28 2006

If you could say one thing to an apathetic christian, what would it be?

the brian king kenobi

January 28 2006
palm tree?


January 28 2006
What are you living for?- I would ask something like that.

eddie sally

January 28 2006
not jumping on evry oppurtunity that God gives you.

Nathan Moore

January 28 2006
i don't really care (just kidding...)

Lacy Evans

January 28 2006
what does your relationship to God mean to you? is it important to you? How do you live it out? what's your purpose in this life? just a couple that come to mind......

Hawaii Boys

January 28 2006
Why do you call youself a Christian........... -Hodge

Hawaii Boys

January 28 2006
What does being a Christian mean......... -Hodge

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

January 28 2006
The Enemy just rammed his sword through your heart...can't you feel it? -Michael

Hawaii Boys

January 28 2006
ur a dutch.... u suc at life & ur mother is not proud.... -Jeff

Hawaii Boys

January 28 2006
no... for real though.... i would simply ask them to think about what the cross actually means and if they truely have a relationship with the one who hung on it. -Jeff

Rachel Pearl

January 28 2006
I'd say, "Hey look! Jesus is behind you!" That would shake them up.