well life is gnarly

January 26 2006

ladies and gents.How is everybodys 06 goin? well its been a mega 2006 so far me. So yea my friend Brian Lovato(the ymca cop) turned 17 on 1-21-2006 so he had a birthday party and later that night his kick ass cousin came over and some more of our kick ass friends and then we went to snookers in antioch. when we got there it was like the whole asian posse was there. They were like mega deep and they were like cool as heck. then we went to steak and shake and we had a crazy waitress, a hostess that had like an anime girls body, and a cook named cleophus. you do the math! it was hella fun.


February 25 2006
ohhh my god. <BR>you have no idea how cool tonight was, haha. <BR>I can't believe it. <Br>whoa. <br>and you know my girrrrl, micsha. <BR>she's amazing. <BR>wow. <Br>haha, we should so try to hang out sometime. <BR>peace out, "stalker" [I kid, I kid, haha..] [: <br> <br>by the way, you can leave messages on my cell [that I won't have] at 4002511.. I check my messages several times a day, so yeah..