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Velvet Elvis


December 08 2006

well tonight is one of those nights;

where I'm home with nothing to do, but roll thoughts over in my head; and I've tried as hard as humanly possible to straighten things up..I'm afraid to let my guard down, and let some girl, actually be worth my time. And i feel like i have nothing to prove. These kind of people, are just so rare..

and now I'm dancing U2; funny how things change.

 by the way, OSU will win.

Nathan Moore

December 08 2006
hang in there, man... patience is rewarded.

Erin:: lub my flower.

December 15 2006
i know how it feels , its gonna be alright ! i get that feeling all the time , so many sleepless nights just because i cant stop thinkin' , and trying to figure everything out, when i realized things happen on their own....