Jessica Jo



April 13 2006

Life is wonderful, tiring, busy, and at times complicated. A lot going on. A lot I don't want to say.

I'm content for the first time in a long time.

35 days until graduation.

Work tomorrow from 9:30 until 7:00.



April 13 2006
Girl, I know how you feel! Life is wonderful, tiring, busy, and at times complicated. I mean sometimes I look at things and just ask "Why?" you know? But God brings us through it and it truly is a wonderful thing! I'm glad that life is going good for you! Have a FABULOUS day!

beth cooper

April 13 2006
THANK YOU! happy easter to you as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


April 13 2006
Thank you so much! You should totally come out to Spring Blast. There is going to be a lot of other things going on besides the volleyball tournament. I hope you have a fabulous day and an even better week.


April 14 2006
hey buddy! i had fun yesterday too. I'm glad you're "content for the first time in a long time". that makes me happy. : ) Can't wait til Dollywood! the 4 of us need to find out what day would be good for all of us. have a good day off tomorrow and i'll cya sunday!


April 14 2006
speaking of sunday, this trilogy is going to knock your socks off!