Stephen Slate


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soccer, football, friends

Favorite Books

Eragon, Eldest


August 27 2006

Alright so Buzz fest was in short freaking amazing......I had the greatest time......See from start to finish I saw Black Stone Cherry,Soil,  Evensblue, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Cowboymouth, and Stained......of those the best had to have been Cowboymouth for their amazing stage presence, the lead singer actually jumped off the stage in to the pit area and then jumped another rail into the seats and started making people get up.....and Stained because they were just a freaking amazing band.....Stained ended the night and by the end of their set I had headbanged soo much that I will not be able to move tomorrow morning......also when Soil was playing there was a mosh pit in the grass area that I got into.....a friend of mine got hit and busted his lip....but me I went in and had loads of one point I actually hit a guy and fliped him over....come to find out later that the guy was actually like 13 and really didn't belong in there cause he got hurt pretty badly because of all the much larger people.....also after that I realized that I was getting dehidrated so I went got me a water and started back to my brother and sister in law and got hit with a dizzy spell fell to the ground and started throwing up everything I had sucked but it was alot of fun all in all......peace out bye bye

Jessica Dennis

August 27 2006
you definitely forgot to mention you saw the amazing me. duh.