Stephen Slate


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soccer, football, friends

Favorite Books

Eragon, Eldest

RIP Elizabeth Slate (My Great Grandmother)

July 28 2006
Well for any of you that didn't know my Great Grandmother Slate died monday of this week.......we went to Memphis today for the funeral.......I spent probably 10 hours in a car with my dad (whom I dislike) and my grandmother (whom is the worst back seat driver ever).........They had me drive the last 150 miles from Jackson was horrible just because I had to drive my grandmother's car which really isn't all that great and I had her telling me how to drive every 3 seconds.......but besides that I had a great time.....I got to see family that I haven't seen in about 10 years and some I hadn't seen in about 15 or 16 years........I got to see my Aunt Sanua and her family which I hadn't seen in about 8 or 9 years........I also got to see my Uncle David and his family......he's a great guy along with his wife and 6 kids.......and I got to see my Uncle Kenneth and his family.........which he has been in Washington DC for awhile and was working on cleaning up the aftermath of Katrina for 8 months making him gone for the past year almost........which I had dinner with all of them along with my grandmother and dad.......I had a great time today.......I was thinking about how I want my funeral and such to go and I decided I am just going to have a wake so that the great times I had after the funeral could be spread over a couple of days instead of a few I have got to say I have really missed that side of my family.....also I got to visit the graves of my great great great grandmother and grandfather....and my dad's dad or my grandfather......sad thing is I never met my grandfather on my dad's side because he died before my dad was 10......but all in all I had a great time.......I didn't expect something this good to come from someone in my family dying........