Stephen Slate
Relationship Status
LaVergne High School
Favorite Music
anything but rap and country
Favorite Movies
anything with great fight scenes
Confusion is my middle name......or maybe its confused
April 11 2006
well looking back I have realized I update alot more then I give myself credit just seems that lately I haven't been updating as much as I once did.....anyways......what do you get when you cross me with any girl I like?......give up......a very confused guy who has no idea what to do........its kinda sad......the girl I like just broke up with her b/f and I know it was brought around by me but he treated her bad so I am happy about that.......but now I am o so confused as to what I should do......any advice??
Jeana Lewis
April 11 2006
uh... maybe talk to her about it??? And your middle name isn't confusion...
Jeana Lewis
April 11 2006
Don't ya'll have a house phone? If not maybe it's time to go up on your minutes on your phone. It would be cheaper to pay more per month than an extra $200 because you can't count! :o)