Stephen Slate


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soccer, football, friends

Favorite Books

Eragon, Eldest

Bad Week

February 08 2006
So how about this week has been horrible.........I had to find 15 sources for a research paper and write a paragraph on each one telling what it was, what it was about, and how it would help my yea I got 5.........well I would have had more but I had saved my internet sources to my computer and would you believe what happened Monday night just before I started finishing my computer crashed........lost everything even the pics I had taken.....I am really ticked now.......I got my comp to start working again but I still lost everything........I was soooooooo angry..........but yea yesterday was alright.......I actually got up and went to my history class and made it to all of my classes for the first time in 2 weeks........took a test in Psy. and failed it I am positive........but yea that has been my week......pretty bad don't you think?


February 08 2006
Wow, yeah...that does kinda suck. Instead of writing everything that sucked this week right down evrything good God did for cheers you up because through it all he's always faithful.

Meagan McCann

February 08 2006
yeh.....he does have a big mouth... lol but anyways.. sorry you week was so bad.. mine was OK minus that day... ttyl meag