Daniel Arnett


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In A Relationship



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Hit Men

Good Times

June 23 2005
Yesterday was a fun day, i went to the movies and saw "Batman Begins" which was a pretty decent movie, of course it makes we want to watch the first movie again but hey, i can always go and rent that. Then after that I took another friend out to dinner for her birthday and we had an interesting night to say the least. Yet during this entire time, my brother and his roommate were calling me and let me know some different things that have been going on and what i need to do about my pending pay cut that is supposedly to come down on July 2, which is funny because i have yet to sign anything that states that I agree to, let alone are aware of such a pay cut...this just reaffirms my beliefs that Wal-Mart is the devil. Well, it's my turn to take the dog to the vet for her shots, can't wait to see how this turns out.

Photo From darnett5878

June 21 2005

photo from darnett5878
Today would definatley be a random day, as entitled by the title...now i'm not completely crazy, but i saw a picture similar to the one i just posted, except we can't afford color pictures on our boxes at wal-mart. but it just struck me as odd that we should say no to penguins. what ever did they do to us, unless of course you believe that whales are going to take over the world after being trained by the penguins, but that is something else to discuss. well i'm off....

Today's Vent

June 19 2005
Ok, so to start off, I must say that being from Atlanta, my favorite newspaper will always be the AJC, which i remember reading the comics from every Sunday at Granny's house until i was in the 2nd grade...but as i got older the comics are still the best part, but during the week they have a small section entitled "The Vent" where people write in to complain about everything. well my vent today has 2 points...

1) So I'm at my wonderful job and have to unload a truck which is part of my daily routine, and that is not the complaint, the complaint comes in that I had to unload all 11 pallets, weighting between 1000 and 2800 lbs each, all by myself. Now management knew i was the only one there between dairy, frozen and meat, and one even saw that i was the only one there doing the unloading, so he kindly goes to the other side of receiving and and helps the 4 people on ICS unload their truck...thank you management, i know that i can always count on you to help me when i help you out

2) so i'm sitting outside with someone whom i would probably consider my best friend just enjoying a conversation. now it has been somewhat public knowledge that i have liked her for quite some time but i know that there is no possibility of anything as told by a reliable source, but it seems hard to handle that i can go out and do stuff with her any time and talk about anything and know that there is nothing more between us. I guess sometimes in life you just have to take what you can get and be happy with the relationship you have with someone and don't risk it to take it somewhere that it doesn't need to be.

Thus ends the rants for the day happy reading and good times...

in closing here is a little fact that i read today from my inspirational desk calendar about stupid people and things:
"When cars first came to Tennessee, the city of Memphis passed a statute that a woman could drive only if a man walked in front of the car and waved a red flag to warn pedestrians of approaching danger"

Wal-Mart is the Devil

June 18 2005
Now i know you are not suppose to talk bad about the place you work, but then again, there are always exceptions to the rule..and wal-mart is that exception. Have you ever gone to wal-mart and had to stand in line forever? (now when you work there, there are certain privileges and people who will help you out but still). now the store i work at (that i won't disclose, but there are only 2 in m'boro) we seem to have to a severe shortage of cashiers, which i used to be one, but they decided that i would better serve the company in the dairy department, which doesnt bother me because i can slack off as long as i get what i have to have done in 8 hours. yet, they keep pulling the people off the floor to run registers, now that just don't make sense because if there is no one there to stock the shelves, what are the people in line buying? but they say that we have too many people working there, yet you stand in line for 30 minutes just to check out....yeah, they're hurting on money. and now the current rumor is that the store manager wants me to transfer out to the parking lot to push carts...lets weight the options...its averaging 90 degrees outside, but if i stay in dairy then i work in a constant 41 degrees. besides i have already done the parking lot once, and i'm not doing it again because no matter how many people are out there, i seemed to do all the work. so unless they offer me something really good i don't think i will take it. well, that is my vent for the day, got to take the dog out, get some lunch and then go to my job that i just love so much (please read that last one with as much sarcasm as humanly possible) i'm gone until probably tomorrow


June 17 2005
So, as you can see i finally decided to put a picture of myself on here, and yes, i am on a cell phone wearing jeans on the beach in Florida. of course i had to cut my brother out of the picture, and sometime i may actually put up a few pictures from the vacation, which there aren't that many.

Over the Top

June 16 2005
So, I went back to Altanta for a couple of days to run lights at my church's VBS. Now, some people think that that sounds a little over the top...you know, lighting at VBS, but I said no the church is not over the top with production...well, i recant that, only because I have been going to a severely traditional church for the past couple of weeks. First of all the "service" or large gathering of 1st - 5th graders began with a long rousing version of "Rock 'n Roll Part 2" making me feel like i was at a baseball game (for anyone who is unaware of the song, it is played at all sporting events will only one word as its lyrics...that word..."HEY!") then Wednesday night, there was a clogging group doing a number...and for as long as I have been alive, i don't recall any time in which the song "God Bless Texas" has been performed...must be in the new hymnal. Now i promise I'm not complaining because i love my church and it is great to go outside of the box, it reaches more people that way, but i just think it is funny that all this happens after i claim the church never overdoes it. Well, that is all for now.