Daniel Arnett


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Hit Men

Over the Top

June 16 2005
So, I went back to Altanta for a couple of days to run lights at my church's VBS. Now, some people think that that sounds a little over the top...you know, lighting at VBS, but I said no the church is not over the top with production...well, i recant that, only because I have been going to a severely traditional church for the past couple of weeks. First of all the "service" or large gathering of 1st - 5th graders began with a long rousing version of "Rock 'n Roll Part 2" making me feel like i was at a baseball game (for anyone who is unaware of the song, it is played at all sporting events will only one word as its lyrics...that word..."HEY!") then Wednesday night, there was a clogging group doing a number...and for as long as I have been alive, i don't recall any time in which the song "God Bless Texas" has been performed...must be in the new hymnal. Now i promise I'm not complaining because i love my church and it is great to go outside of the box, it reaches more people that way, but i just think it is funny that all this happens after i claim the church never overdoes it. Well, that is all for now.