Clint Nadeau




This Morning I was Choked by a Camel.

October 13 2005
I found myself in the position of having to arrive on campus early this morning to study for a mid-term. The time is 8:30 am, foggy, 52 degrees. And there before me were a group of my fellow Blue Raiders.. Their names I did not know. Still trying to get the crusty stuff out of my eyes, half asleep, and not wanting to be in the library this early something happened. These students who were in front of the library unleashed a vicious killer toward my direction. This vicious killer was a Camel.

photo from clint
This Camel choked the spit and snot out of me. Not a camel in the physical sense. This Camel was disguised as a smokey ninja. Mist. Elusive. More fleet of foot than Micheal Vick. This Camel was the Camel none other than the Camel cigerette. Their addiction could very well be my demise.
I loathe cigerettes. I bite my thumb at cigerettes

Robert Lewis

October 13 2005
i will bite my thumb with you in disdain towards the ever present camel of doom!


October 13 2005
haha clint that made my day.


October 13 2005
yea.. i will have to say that was great. I agree i hate people that smoke. and they should have to sit in a bubble if they want to light up, and not kill, choke, or injury us in the process!


October 13 2005
Amen brother!!!

Abby Dee

October 13 2005
YAY!! that made me smile. i HATE cigerettes, too. sheesh.

Zach McCain

October 13 2005
Incredible! Is this Camel of Doom which you speak of indeed reality? I desire to know more, and to learn how to combatt this evil being. Camel of Doom! Who would have thunk it!

Zach McCain

October 13 2005
I love the Shakespearian reference. Yeah, I despise these vile cigarettes as well.

Rachael Vance

October 16 2005
cigerettes are very bad..and i am allergic to them, too. i hate it when people smoke!! anyways, i wish i was there so bad! u are a very funny man, clint nadeau.- R <><