Clint Nadeau




Paint the Town 05: The Bronx.

August 05 2005
It's been 4 days since we got back from Paint the Town. Already the allure of laziness has matriculated down upon me. Forming a weighty puddle upon my body I, praise Jesus, shook it off yesterday. It's good to be dry. Wiping myself off I write this blog.

What can I report back to you, the reader, of what happened at Paint the Town? I can only tell you of what I experienced. My eyes were my camera and these words are the footage of my account of what God did through others and through me.

God is in control. His hands are on the steering wheel. He is the Commander in General, the President, the Architect, and the Director of ALL directors. This meaning that He is in the process, has been in the process, and will continue to be in the process of rescuing people from sin for His glory. The part that we as a team played to bring about His glory was to tell people what He is and has been and will be up to. Enter my conversation with, Tony. The guy in the picture I'm with below.

photo from clint
This is Tony and I talking about his life at the Block Party at Paint the Town.

Tony's story is that like many people you might know. Put in the person your thinking off in place of Tony and I'll bet that you've heard of his story before. Tony is from the Bronx. Born and raised. 37 years old and missing freedom in Jesus Christ by 18 inches, that is from his head to his heart. He knows about God, prays, has a roserary, says all the right things but can't say that he puts his life and trust and hope in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. See his father died 5 years ago and at the height of his grief his long time girlfriend and mother of his child decides to leave him along with their baby. Why? Because he, "needed to f****** hurry up and get over his sadness and f***** move on," Tony's girlfriend told him. This is the point where you probably are villianizing his girlfriend. DON'T! Before you read on please pray for her and ask that God would break her of her selfishness and come to know Jesus.

Don't read on until you pray for her.

That situation was 5 years ago. Today Tony is back on his feet. He is living with his Mom and has a job and wants to be there for his son, Tony Jr. (6 years old). He also wants his girlfriend back too. However, she wants Tony back but has another guy on the side who she sees as well. Tony is driven and focused on one win back his old girlfriend by getting a better job and better car. Thus, showing that he is capable of supporting his son and her. That is a good goal to have. Realistic and obtainable. When I asked Tony about what would happen if doesn't work out the way he wants it to he replied, "It's okay I'll still support my son. If it don't work out then God has other things for me." Tony is your sterotypical tough spirited, resilient New Yorker from the Bronx. His refusal to lay down and be defeated inspired me. Then God led me to ask him this question, "Tony, how do you get that strength, where does it come from?" Tony said, "It's how we was raised as kids. See I'm know lazy ***. My kid won't have no dead *** father for a father." "Tony, do ever get tired of being strong?" I said. "It's hard sometimes, yeah." I then told him about my life and the trials I went through and how Jesus lifted me up and rescued me and that He wanted to do the same for him too. Tony just shook his head to affirm me. I have never wanted anyone to "get it" more than I did for, Tony.
As our conversation closed after about an hour and a half Tony said some things that I will never forget. "Clint, you are different. I never told these things to anyone else before. I don't have any friends to tell the things I told you about. Thanks man for listening to my ****. Means a lot that you a stranger, some guy from Tennessee would want to listen to me a guy from the Bronx about his problems." Praise our King that He gave me the words to speak to Tony. Praise our Father that He gave me the love to listen to, Tony. Before we went our seperate ways Tony hugged me. It was a hug that had within it so much hurt and pain. I felt as if it had been a long time since someone had hugged him before. It was in that moment that it hit me about the seriousness and magnitude of how important it is to show Christ to EVERYONE. You never know when God will place in your path someone who is hurting and needs to receieve a touch from Jesus. I pray that you will be on the lookout for a "Tony" and love on that person as you yield yourself and heart to Jesus (John 3:30, John 15:5). "Make the most of every opportunity" (Col. 4:5) for His glory (1 Cor. 10:30) my friend.


August 05 2005
Clint, that story rocks, even though I've heard it before. It's so awesome that God lead you to Tony. Who took the picture?


August 05 2005
Clint, you're an amazing writer, communicator, leader, and warrior for Jesus Christ! A real man that sets standards for the rest of the world. Praise God he raises up warriors to carry his message to a lost and hurting world.


August 08 2005
sup clint this is ben yeargan. actually its garrett, but i'm helping him with his new phusebox. so i'm trying to get him some friens so please accept the friend request that i send u. thanks see u later man. ~Garrett

Nathan Moore

August 12 2005
happy birthday!

Rachael Vance

August 14 2005 are amazing. every time you open your mouth to speak, you ahve something amazing to say. i loveed hearing about Tony. Praise God for your conversation. awesome!