cailsey anthony


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Favorite Movies

girl, interrupted

i think this is the hottest summer ever.

August 05 2005
i like it alot. but it gets so hot upstairs and then at night its like below zero up here, so who knows. im going to dye some sheets today with amara and tina. that should be fun. i cant believe school starts next week. thats insane. oh well-ive had a good summer. a little less eventful than i though, but still it was good all in all.
bye =)

Stephanie Levine

August 05 2005
Hey hey. My brother,Blake, says "hi." & he wants to know if it's true that you & Tyrel made out at the square( in an alley). ***just wondering chuck***.........Much love.


August 08 2005
sup Cailsey, would it be cool if I talked to you on aim?

kelsey shearron

August 10 2005
yay! are so cute!...i hope you have a good day!