
August 19 2005
So, I am reading Captivating by Staci and John Eldridge. If you haven't read it, you should...both girls and guys. It will give you a lot of insight. I am always looking for good books to read, so if anyone else has a suggestion, pass it on. Hope you are all having a great day! Nathan, I miss you buddy.


August 19 2005
Ooooo that book is awesome! I loved it so much!

Nathan Moore

August 19 2005
yeah, rachael just got through reading that book... and i miss you too. i will be home in a little over a month.

Rachael Moore

August 20 2005
that is a GREAT book. i love it! i'm not quite done yet, but i am almost there. and i think you are right in saying guys should read it too...great insight. i have missed seeing you guys. hope you are having a great day!


August 20 2005
by the way...LOVE the Alf DVD you are holding in your profile pic! Alf rocks! i love you, you are always so encouraging!