No I don't think so...

May 22 2008

Would it be easier to understand if I were a philospher?

Would it be easier to fight if I were a Marine?

Would it be easier to believe if I were a preacher?

Would it be easier to run froward if I were a marathon runner?

Would it be easier to walk away if I were a quiter?

Would it be easier to take a hit if I were a bullet proof vest?

Would it be easier to breathe if I were an oxygen tank?

Would it be easier to continue if I were a machine?


whitley groves

May 22 2008
Dude you are so freakin deep it scares me sometimes!!!!!, but at the same time thats really hott! (lol)

Erin:: lub my flower.

May 22 2008
hey girl. you need to back off a little...

Erin:: lub my flower.

May 22 2008
hey girl. you need to back off a little...

Jacob Wuertz

May 23 2008
I hate to ruin this beautiful moment but you never run "froward"

whitley groves

May 23 2008
lol im backed! i dont want ur man! i mean he's adorable and everything but ya kno not really my type!!


May 23 2008
uhmm so you mean your type is the type that is not the incredibly successful, amazingly good looking, surprisingly strong, and simply irresistible? oh I understand.

Erin:: lub my flower.

May 24 2008
you forgot big headed . :) lol.

whitley groves

May 27 2008
um........................ are yall goin out im kinda getting that relashionship vibe!!!!! And well yea that is kinda my type but in this case you look like you are already happily taken so im not gonna interfere!!!!!