Humanity, What happend?

November 08 2007
I have finally lost all hope and faith in humanity I used to have. Everything that I used to trust in the world is gone. I can finally see that we are all selfish punks who only think of ourselves. Now do not take personal offense because I am sure that you are perfect. I am sure everyone who is a christian is. Oh did I mention that I lost hope in most of christians too. It is not that I am just pissed at the world, part of it. It is the fact that what I once thought was good, everything that I once thought was good was destroyed. I see athiests doing more good than christians. I see christians cursing out the drunk driver in front of them because he is swerving, instead of praying for them. "Preachers" lieing and stealing, "Christian" teachers blowing away what the christian faith stands on. The other night I found somethings that just makes me wonder if the world could ever possibly be good or even half way. Have we always been evil? Have we always had alternative motives. Was there a time when we were 3 years old running around with a towl on as a cape that we actually wanted what would help the world and didn't give a crap about ourselves? Was there a time when Adam and Eve loved and did excatly what God said. Was there a time when Cain loved Able? Has it always been this hell that we call humanity today?  Does anyone  think so? I want a conversation not just a remark.

Peggie Russo-Millard

November 08 2007
It only one takes 1 person to change the world. That 1 person can be you. Start with the little things. Most of the time what we don't like in others is the very same thing that we have inside of us.

Jamie Crabtree

November 08 2007
Dude I lost my faith in humanity a loooooooooooooooooong time ago. We the people suck as a collective whole.

At the Crossroads of Life

November 08 2007
Welcome to the real side of life... But to be honest with you, nothing was ever really perfect. But we're human, and I know that's not much of an excuse. Yes, many people have lost their ways, but that doesn't make them bad people entirely. It's people like you who care that are going to make a difference and help others realize that they aren't seeing straight. It takes work though. You just have to keep believing. =)

JM Vajda

November 08 2007
People suck.

JM Vajda

November 08 2007
By the way, I have been extremely cynical of humanity since before jr high. It got worst in highschool. Now that I am in college, I decided I would love them even though they are wretched. Why? Because God has done just that for me and so much more.

Erin:: lub my flower.

November 09 2007
i think i agree with you dont want to stereotype though. because not all christians are like that , and not most nonchristians are like that either. i lost the faith in humanity .. most guys these days almost make me wanna turn gay , and im against the gay.... most girls are an imbarressment to the female race..... i ve given up.


November 11 2007
Ok you want a conversation so this may be a tad bit long. Why did you ever put your hope and faith in humanity? Since the fall of Adam and Eve the world has been filled with evil and selfish ways. Humans are selfish. Period. That's why Jesus came and died. Do you think He would have to die for a perfect world? No. We are selfish. We have to be taught to be giving and considerate and to love. Why does Jesus have teach time after time to love? As far as christians, you're right. We aren't perfect. We never will be. Once again, that's why we have Jesus. Do you think that just because we are christians that we suddenly become perfect? Heck no. I'm really surprised at your attitude about all of this. Are you perfect? If you say yes you are lying to yourself. That's why we have to stay in the word of God and prayer. Because in your own strength you will fail. Your hope should be in God and God alone. The world is messed up but YOU should be the light in the darkness. YOU can make a difference. Instead of talking about how selfish humanity is start being the unselfish one.