
November 04 2007
(the battery)So I have found that in life there is one person (in most people's lives) that holds the most power. Ever heard the saying "One person can hold the power of 50"? Maybe not because I think I made it up. Oh well, I think it is true. Maybe it is a mom dad or brother. Maybe it is someone you look up to. IF they were to say "I love you" or "I believe in you, you can do it" that could mean more than the whole world saying it. Maybe it is a wife or a husband. A girlfriend or a boyfriend. I know for guys when they tell someone a problem they are having or going through or the way they delt with something, they are are looking for that person to say "well it is ok I know that if anyone can fix it, it is you." We don't want someone to help us, we tend to want to be the leader and be a strong one. Even if we know we need help we don't ask for it. We just screw up and learn from what we did. It makes us stronger. (Maybe I am just talking for myself) but, I find that in life you are only as strong as you make yourself. 


November 04 2007
I do that, so its not only guys who do that.