
November 03 2007
I don't like talking abou the way I feel. It makes me feel, well...I don't like to talk about it. Someone once asked me if I thought that guys were more emotional than girls. At first I did the typical guy thing. I said "No." Then I began to think about the conversation I was in. And if my answer was really correct. "No." Guys happen to be very emotional about diffferent things. Playing football if we lose there are some tears sometimes. Silly? Not to us. We played our hardest and we did not deserve to lose. It makes us sad. If our sports team is down in the last few seconds and all we need is a few points you better believe we are on our feet yelling during those few seconds. We are emotional about things that matter to us. If a relationship is important to us then we will tell you we love you and we will mean it. If you end that relationship then it cuts so deep the scar effects everything in us. The way we breath the way we think and see. All the way up to the top. We also show emotion, in different ways though. We don't sit there and cry, but we have the strongest urge to flip over the table we are sitting at. We are on the edge if one person says one thing we don't like they are in a lot of danger of us hitting them. If we care about something then we usually make it number one. Of course we care about somethings more than others, most of the time it goes in this order. relationships, sports, family, and well we kinda stop the list there. That does not mean that we don't care about anything else it just means that we care most about those therefore, if we show emotion about anything you can bet that it will be about those. But still I don't think they are more emotional. How girls (correct me if I am wrong) Tend to care about many things. They are evenly spread out. I think that we probably have more emotion just differently set. Guys put it into 3 main things Girls possibly 20 things. That is why when a guy is asked What do you wanna do, or What do you want to eat. He answers I don't care, mainly because he doesn't. Guys will probably just go along with the flow. Especially when it involves one of three things. If we are in a relationship we don't care what we do together, as long as we are there together. It also bothers the heck out of us to not know something about the girl we like.

I guess that was my little  insight on guys for any girl who really cares, or for any guys that aren't really guys. And remember kids,
I am invincible
As long as I'm alive

Tyler Lowery

November 03 2007
yeah i have to agree if a guy doesnt know something about the girl we like it gets frusterating

At the Crossroads of Life

November 04 2007
That was kinda cool, Austin... You obviously put a lot of thought into that =)