
September 30 2005
so... the retreat was absolutely amazing. The the theme was "Who Am I?" the age old question. Skid came up and talked to us and it was by far the best lesson I've ever heard from him. God was truly speaking thru him last night and I felt like he was talking directly to me. Lately I've been so confused as to what direction my life is suppose to be going and the brief hours I spent at short mt. were ones I cannot forget. I became aware of my spiritual gifts and what role I must play in God's kingdom. I came to numerous realizations of what I should do with the brief time I have here. Everything I do and I say must reflect my God. I must take this time to form as many relationships as possible. I must act in such a way that everyone around me can't help but see Christ in me. Who am I? I am God's...

Jonathan Moore

September 30 2005
YEEEEEEEBOYEEEEEEE! Sounds like a good retreat. I almost came but I couldnt miss classes haha college...... Well maybe ill see you some time. Prob at starbucks because that seems to be the place we see each other all the time. Im glad you had a good time!


September 30 2005
retreat ruled.


November 13 2005