Well, I've been thinking...

June 09 2005
well no one who reads this will know what I'm talking about but here it goes:

I was driving down manson pike earlier today with the radio on and the windows down, and all of a sudden I turned the radio off and I found myself rambling to God and I found myself telling myself,
"Sara, this isn't for you. God has something a little bit more diffrent in my mind." I continued driving and recollected the memories that involved this situation. They were great memories but I knew that they weren't for me. It's hard to say goodbye...but right now I'm saying hello to God's plan.

He's just not for me. But I pray that God will show me someone who is.


June 09 2005
In my deep thinking latley... (1) I've decided that God has a plan, I'm 100% sure. (2) One of the biggest plans he has for me is, how I'm going back home with him. (3) With the situation with Kyle, I felt weird behind the wheel for a while...but I've decided God's got a plan on getting back home....but I don't think he needs a car to get me there. (Necessarily) (4) therefore: no matter where I am, or what I'm doing....I'm kepping my eyes open for my oprotunity to fulfill other plans God's got in the making for me. -hope that made sense- -SKH

Dan the Dan-Man Daniel

June 09 2005
There is only one guy/girl in the world that's right for anyone. So don't get down just because you haven't found him yet. Besides, ya always got someone better in your life, someone better than any guy you will find.

Jarrod Dollinger

June 09 2005
God does have a plan. And he is always watching out for you. And you know that penny game was sweet!!! We totally made some hobo happy. lol.


June 10 2005
I so understand what you mean. I had liked this one guy but then I found out he has a girlfriend so I kind of had to say "Kaylei, he isn't for you, God's got someone else incredible out there for you"


June 10 2005
a clown? why what did you have in mind??