
July 11 2005
yes so whatever happned to people commenting on the cool sara besides brian?
but thanks brian for commenting.

yeah so I hung out with cool bel aire people today...

Nathan Moore

July 11 2005
belle aire people are major cool...

Anna Miller

July 12 2005
hey! you forgot your lone north boulevard friend in attendance today! lol, it was a fun day.

the brian king kenobi

July 12 2005
la siesta today, pleeeeeeeease? oh mighty brown one . . .


July 12 2005
lol. hello. have you had a good day? Yea, Belle aire peeps are cool!! lol.

the brian king kenobi

July 12 2005
i don't have your number, kid.

the brian king kenobi

July 13 2005
aw, your story was fun. i'll get you yours soon.

Brett Tenpenny

July 13 2005
no... should i?

Brett Tenpenny

July 14 2005
lol, sorry, i dont remember at all...