
December 17 2005

I'd have to say that if there is  one thing that really just botheres me it is this:

when people don't live life to the fullest...

they have so much to experience, so much to see, but they waste the day, the opportunity, the beauty...
they don't embrace it with open arms.

I'll never understand that.

Throwing yourself in the rush.

It's sad because sometimes people don't take the time to form relationships with the people they're surrounded matter where they are.

You'll be surprised what you'll find and what kind of influence you'll have on these people...or what kind of influence they'll have on you.

Alden Ward

January 04 2006
Hey best friend just thought I'd say hi I'm waiting on Joe to finish getting ready he takes longer than me I know u are suprised but some people do take longer than me I'll call ya later have a good day!!!