Rambling Randomness

August 03 2005
Alright... that whole "not blogging" thing... didn't last very long lol =P

There's one week left until school starts back up... *Sigh* I haven't done any summer work, procrastinator... I should PROBABLY get that started. Well, ok so I've started it, I just haven't finished any of it. I don't know where this summer went! There was SO much more that I was going to do, or that I wanted to do anyway... but didn't get to. I was supposed to have fun, and see and get to know this one person, whom I'd really liked to have gotten to see, but things happen, and yeah--anyway. I'm really beginning to like Phusebox... hehe =) Which is a very good thing ... I guess lol. Nothing else to say... I got a new profile picture, and added some photos at the bottom... Ya'll have a great last week of summer! (Those of you that have to go back anyway..lol)