One of those weird random days...

November 12 2005

So yea, I woke up this morning, put on my new shirt

and planned out my day; go to drama practice, then go to cool springs and buy some neat stuff, and do all of it while listening to sexy music. Well as I was driving to drama practice. I was listening to some sexy music and then a sneeze came upon me. [so when I sneeze, its big, and I sneeze out of my mouth because I wont let it out of my nose, and I close my eyes the whole time] So I sneezed, and heard a huge pop and crunch sound, I open my eyes and and I'm on the curb/sidewalk going down siegel road. I flip out. So I pull away fast and as I drive I heard this horrid crunching sound. So I pulled into the middle lane to see the damage, I was expecting some scratches on the hubcap. I mean its not the first time someone has hit a curb. But no...It looked as though someone had took a knife and ripped my tire apart. It was completely shredded. I was rollin on pure rim. And yea, it was a sneeze, not my fault [but while we're mentioning the sneeze....WTF!!!! I mean come on, a freaking sneeze!!!] but what makes it worse is that my "stepdad" had bought me my new tires a few months ago. Bleh, I felt horrible. So yea, He came and gave me his truck and he told me to go on to practice and he would put on the spare and drive it home. So after practice. My mom is waiting by my car at the end of siegel road. The spare tire had been flat, and thats as far as it got. Damn. *sigh* so a tow truck came and towed it the whole one and half miles home.

But yea, I still went to cool springs with Andrea. Who is only a friend.

Hah, I love this picture. She reminds me of a bunny.

We ate at the food court, and watched people, and had very good conversation, and  I enjoyed it.

We ate noodles.

Then we had to book it to make an appearance at every store that I wanted to go to. We stopped by Express where my Erika will be working soon. I was very disappointed. I only found two items. And I desperately needed winter clothes. The last ten minutes was like a movie, it was Andrea's mad dash to get ice cream.

 I then came home, talked with my mom, and I'm going to get some sleep.

I know its not too ghetto.


November 13 2005
Oh mess...that cuhrazy...<br> Atleast you wweren't hurt...cause then, that would be bad<br> Andrea was in Video Production with me when I was in 7th grade,<br> She's a cool kid:-)<br> I don't think she remembers<br> Well I'll see you Later&hearts;


November 13 2005
haha awe. she <i>does</i> look like a bunny in that picture! Good thing no one was hurt... a sneeze? lol crazy. I loove interpol

Noah Bodwell

November 13 2005
ah man that sucks. glad your alright though.

jessa richmond

November 13 2005
ugh nick!!! what a bEAUtiFUL picture of u !!! hehe well i cant believe u didnt say ne thing about seein me and lexie at starbucks!!! guess we were good enough lol... sucks about ur car tho... cant wait to work with u on charlie brown!!!!