random boredness

June 01 2006
well my second job didnt work out they tried to go from eight dollars an hour to five seventy five an hour needless to say i turned it down i make more than that at taco bell wow this past week as been rather interesting lol i leave in like seven hours for north carolina i wanna go but then again i dont its at least a ten hour drive not looking forward to that at all lol who would be hopefully im gonna get to go to florida in a few weeks if a certain someone would talk to her parents *cough cough leah* lol love ya girl well guess thats enough for now i wont be on for four days so yall have fun i wanna move and i want ........ well lets not go there

Andrew ?

June 14 2006
that sucks, good luck on your flordia trip Andrew

Andrew ?

June 15 2006
that sucks. my summer isnt going too good