My weekend

June 09 2007

SO, I went to Lanes this weekend and Tamara was there as well :) lol it was fun... i'm not sure i can put it all into words so i will put up some pictures with side notes :P lol

Ha, we rode kid toys on the porch!

Lane and I eat a LOT of candy that night ( no sweet~Tarts though *sad face * )

Lane had 3 personalities going on!
1~ Evil
1~ Ok/Good
1~ Fat guy with pink hair who juggled
lol it shows what lack of sleep can do to people :P

Tamara was singing some random song and i thought it looked kinda funny :P

We were REALLY tired

Tired me

OMGosh we were talking, and Lane says "My dad just put a chair with an unbrela on it in the middle of the drive-way" i thought she was j/king but he really did. In the END her granddaddy was picking it up.

So yeah it was a fun weekend :P


June 10 2007
Pictures say 1000 words so you have a bunch of words

Erin:: lub my flower.

June 12 2007
that is funny .... i shouldve been invited just playing , sounds awesome though!!!!!

Erin:: lub my flower.

June 12 2007
that is funny .... i shouldve been invited just playing , sounds awesome though!!!!!


June 12 2007
NERDS!!!!!! Mr. Goodybar!!!!!!!!!! sshhhh...... : P We had way too much fun!