What Up....

January 10 2007
Sorry i haven't updated in a while! Not like any of you people care. Anyway, I moved! FANTASTIC...... not really, i am still not used to the city yet! I am still wish we lived in the farm house! But O well :) I am becoming a city girl now!
Today i went over to my bestfriends house *the fantastic Lane* and took care of my horsies! Oh, and we watched THE best movie of all time! Step Up !
We just got home from Church and plane to go make musice videos up in my NEW room!!!
Talk to you fantastic people later

Erin:: lub my flower.

January 11 2007
awww ! i care ! where did u move 2? i used to live in nashville , i got to charlotte i wasnt used to seeing so much grass , and trees it made me sick! but i got used to it ! you will too, pretty horsies...=)

Tyler Lowery

January 11 2007
wow sounds like fun