
June 01 2008
Amazing Because It Is - The Almost

SO! alots going on and i dont feel like telling you all about it.

But this song is amaZing and i love it.


May 30 2008
Level 1:
[x]I had an asthma attack
[ ]Smoked A Cigarette
[ ]Smoked A Cigar
[ ]Smoked Weed
[ ] Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
[] (small kine)]Drank Alcohol
[X]Been In Love
[x]Been Dumped
[ ]Been Fired
[]Been In A Fist Fight
[ ]Snuck Out Of A Parent's House
Total: 3Level 2:
[X]Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back
[ ]Been Arrested/Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested
[ ]Made Out With A Stranger
[ ]Gone Out On A Blind Date
[x]Had A Crush On An Older Person
[ ]Skipped School
[ ]Slept With A Co-worker
[x ]Seen Someone/Something Die
Total: 6Level 3:
[] Been On A Plane
[ ] Thrown Up From Drinking
[X] Eaten Sushi
[ ] Been Snowboarding
[ ] Met Someone BECAUSE Of Myspace
[] Been Mosh Pitting
[x] Taken Pain Killers
[ x] Love(d) Someone Who You Can't Have
[ ] Been in a BAD relationship
Total: 9Level 4:
[x]Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
[x]Made A Snow Angel
[X]Had A Tea Party
[x]Flown A Kite
[x]Built A Sand Castle
[x]Gone Puddle Jumping
[x]Played Dress Up
[x]Made A Pile Of Leaves
[x]Gone Sledding
[x]Jumped Into A pile of leaves
[x]Cheated While Playing A Game
total:  20Level 5:
[x]Been Lonely
[x]Fallen Asleep At Work/School
[ ]Used A Fake/Someone Else's ID
[x]Watched The Sun Set/sun rise
[ x]Felt An Earthquake
[ ]Kissed A Snake
[x]Been Tickled
[X]Been Robbed/Vandalized
[ ]Robbed Someone
[x]Been Misunderstood
total: 27Level 6:
[X]Pet A Deer
[x]Won A Contest
[ ]Been Suspended
[ ]Had Detention
[ ]Been In A Car/Motorcycle Accident
[x]Had/Have Braces
[ ]Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[ ]Had deja vu
[ x]Danced in the moonlight
[x]Hate(d) The Way You Look
total: 32 Level 7:
[x]Witnessed A Crime
[x]Questioned Your Heart
[ ]Been obsessed with post-it-notes
[x]Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
[x]Been Lost
[ ]Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
[x]Swam In The Ocean
[ x]Felt Like You Were Dying
[x]Cried Yourself To Sleep
total: 39 

Level 8:
[Xxxxxxxx]Played Cops And Robbers
[xxxxxxxxx]Recently Colored With Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
[x]Sang Karaoke
[x]Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
[x]Made Prank Phone Calls
[ ]Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose
[ ]Kissed In The Rain
[x]Written A Letter To Santa Claus
[]Been Kissed Under A Mistletoe total: 45 Level 9: [x ]Watched the sunset w/ someone you care/cared about
[x]Blown Bubbles
[]Made A Bonfire On The Beach
[ x]Crashed A Party
[ ]Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
[x]Gone Rollerskating/Blading
[x]Had A Wish Come True
[ ]Been Humped By A Monkey
[x ]Worn Pearls
[ x]Jumped Off A Bridge
total: 52Level 10:
[]Screamed 'Penis'
[ ]Swam With Dolphins
[x]Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube/Popsicle
[ ]Kissed A Fish
[x]Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
[X]Sat On A Roof Top
[xxxxxxx]Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
[x]Done/ATTEMPTED A One-Handed Cartwheel 
[ I'm not sure if it was 6hours. Tyler how long did we talk when you were waiting for your next flight back to Hawaii??? ]talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
[x]stayed Up All Night
total: 58Level 11:
[X]Picked & Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
[X]Climbed A Tree
[X]Had/Been In A Tree House
[x]Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies alone
[ ]Seen a Ghost
[ ]Have/Had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops
[ ]gone streaking
[]Been to/Visited Someone At Jail
[x]Played Chicken
[x(lillys party lol]Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On
total: 64
Level 12: [x]Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
[]Broken A Bone
[x]Are/Been Easily Amused [x]Caught A Fish
[x]Caught A Butterfly
[x]Laughed So Hard You Cried
[x]Cried So Hard You Laughed
[]Mooned/Flashed Someone
[x]had someone Moon/Flash You
total: 71
Level 13: []Cheated On A Test
[x]Forgotten Someone's Name
[]Slept Naked
[ x]French braided someones hair
[]Gone Skinny dipping In A pool
[ ]Been Kicked Out Of Your House.
[x]Rode A Roller Coaster
[x]Had A Cavity
total: 75Level 14:

[ ]Been Used

[x]Fell Going Up The Stairs
[ ]Licked A Cat
[x]Bitten Someone
[x]Licked Someone
[X]Been shot at with a paint ball/bee bee gun(OW!)
[ ]Had sex in a field/garden
[ ]Flattened someones tires
[ ]Drove in a car until it ran out of gas
[x]Had five dollars or less and bought something.
total: 80

Final Total: 80 out of 140


May 24 2008

Two names you go by:

   2.Chico ... lol

Two things you are wearing right now:
    1.Black TENNESSEE shirt    2.My favorite tan shorts.Two things you want very badly at the moment:
 1.Someone to lean on and talk to  2.Some cake!Two people who will fill this out:
   1.Seeing Carmen already did it..    2...no one
Two things you did last night:
   1. Went to two graduations. Its was WAY fun :P   2. TextedTwo things you ate Yesterday:   1. CAKE :)   2. ...i dont remeber anything else lol
Two people you last talked to:  1. Seth  2. Sam  Two things you're doing today:
  1. Going to some thing with Carmen  2. Texting..like always :P
Two longest car rides:
   1. Michigan   2. IDKTwo favorite beverages:
   1.Water    2. Coffee

tight song and some thoughts i have.

May 21 2008
My Beautiful Rescue - This Providence

i need to type. i need to let it out. i need to say what i need to say here so i dont let it out in a place i shouldn't or a time i should be silent.

People change, i get this, i'm not stupid. But why is it that i see they are changing and hate it yet they cant see it and could care less. I myself am changing, i'm growing and pushing through, and in a way that kinda scars me. I'm scared i'm gona be the kid that someone sees changing and hates it and they think i could care less. I dont think i'm changing for the worse. Let me list the ways i have changed and you tell me if its bad or not.

1~ i've come to realize, MOST (not all but most) guys are scum. And the ones that aren't....dont seem to want to just be friends.

2~ I've come to find that dating is not for me at this moment in time. I want to be a kid as long as i can and dating is one more thing that makes me grow up. I'll worry about that when it matters and is really and truly dating b.c these days kids think going to the movies and eating fast food is a date..haha sorry to crush you kids but thats not even close haha

3~ I find that i'm a Jesus Lovers....i dont like being called a Christian just b/c of the bad name it has gotten. And i have seen many people that CALL them selves 'Christians' and act....in a way i know Jesus wouldn't smile about. SO i call myself a Jesus Lover :) And its fun :P

yeah the list kinda stops there..lol i guess i haven't changed or grown much but it is pretty amaZing to me that i figured all this out clear as day in a matter of 2 weeks i think it was :) So yeah it makes me happy...and i've been so happy lately...except when i see some people but yeah its been pretty good :)
Love you guys :)


tight song and a question.

May 17 2008

I have a question. And please answer me.

What if you fall for someone that you have no chance with but you cant help yourself?

You guys know me. I'm not the kinda girl that falls for just anyone, now i might trip up a few times but never fall. I know i need to stand on my own two feet and i am....but i cant help but fall wishing he would catch me....


May 16 2008
i dont know the guy this is in memory of but its a tight song. its what i wish i had with my "dad".

hey hey hey

May 15 2008

WoW. Me life has been amaZingly amaZing! its really nice. Yeah there have been times i wanted to scream at a few people but thats normal (come on we are all human you cant lie and say you never wanted to scream at people. Even if it is the stupid people driving these days lol)

I've been busy but with things i enjoy and want to do :) so thats good, and school is pretty much out for me :) YAAaaaaAAA. What else is there....nothing really.

OH this summer is going to be all time!i have so much to do but its all for Jesus so its all good :P lol
I gots to go but text me if you want to hang out sometime :) :)

love ya


May 08 2008


May 05 2008

period 1: Bible
period 2: Biology
period 3: Literature
period 4: Spanish
period 5: Algebra
period 6: Art
period 7: Nothing


People You Mostly Talked To During:
Uhmm seeing i'm homeschooled...i would have to be talking to myself..
SO i dont talk to anyone during anything lol
period 1:
period 2:
period 3:
period 4:
period 5:
period 6:
period 7:

Random Questions:

Who was your favorite teacher?
Seeing i am my own teach i would have to say...ME

Who annoyed you most during 3rd period?
Uhmm i'm the only on in the class..

Who did you sit with at lunch?
Seth, sometimes Scooter if he is home....

Are you most likely to fall asleep or not pay attention?
I fall asleep all the time, but when i wake up i start right back up
where i left off.

Which class did you get the most homework?
they are pretty much the same

Which class were you the most hyper?
Probably Art

What was your favorite class?

Do you like lunch?
Yeah, its food..so its good

Do you like going to school?
I dont GO anywhere but its not that bad i suppose

Who sits behind you in Period 3?
no one.

How many kids are in your Period 2?
uhmmm one

What teacher do you dislike the most?
seeing i am the ONLY teach and i dont really 'dislike' myself...i like
my teacher

Can you talk in your 3rd period?
I can talk whenever i want to

Who sits next to you in 5th period?
..sometimes my cat......

Who sits in front of you in 6th?
....no one....

Summarize your year in three words?
oh so boring

What do you hope next year is gonna be like?
More fun

What do you hope will change next year?
I dont know.


May 04 2008

Ha Ha Ha so i've made some new friends and i've grown closer to Christ. Life sucks but then its amaZing. And you know what sucks the most...my past with guys. Its like if i had never gone out with Tyler nor Charlie my life would be amaZing right now, but i wouldn't have had such a great past. Its a bitter sweet thing. BUT anyway, every where i turn someone is talking about Charlie or i see him and he looks at me like he has never met me. Or i'll hear Tyler and I's song from when we were going out or i'll be some where and remember Tyler and i did something stupid there or something like that. BUT then there is my good friend Carmen to cheer me up :P lol but dude i'm made some new friends and its tight! There is BestFriend (Kasey, ha there are no words for Kasey. LoL he is just a really fun guy friend..and its fun to hang out with him, he doesn't make it were i have to like like him or he isn't gona talk to me..he just wants to have fun like me!) BoB Dillon (Dillon, he is..more of Carmens friend then mine but he is cool to hang out with) Zooey (Zooey, i'm just getting to know her but she is pretty nifty.) Matty (Matt, he is pretty much like Kasey...just more hoish. lol Carmen will know what i mean by that.)

ANYWAYS..all this to say, i'm starting to fit in, starting to get where when i'm hit i get right back up! its kinda nice!

Well love you guys :)


May 01 2008
lol its random but fun.

!!! :) !!!

April 29 2008


Okay so this 'post' wont be as long as my last one but i just wanted to stop in and talk for a minute. so here it goes...

Jesus has proven i'm weak! in more ways then one! And i think thats just what i needed. I needed to know i'm weak, i cant win this on my own, i cant fight this fight...who am i kidding, i swing but Gods doing the real fighting, He just lets me think i'm actually doing something.

I cant wait to go to church tomorrow, not only to prove that i can do this with Christ and Christ alone but i want to be face my hurts..i wanted to be faced with the person that has crused me time and time again to let him know i'm better then that. I'm hyped to stand for Christ and say "you cant run from him! You cant leave Him and make it"...You dont really know who i'm talking about ... well Carmen does, but anyway...i'm hyped to be on fire for Christ again. I know i know in my last post it was sad and stupid but today is a new day, and i like that!

Love you guys and hope your having an amaZing day!! :)

Smile For Me!

tight song

April 28 2008

it makes me smile :P



April 25 2008

Hey Hey Hey. Its been a while. Life has been nothing but ups and downs, and i can never see dead ahead. Times flys then slows to a crawl. I stand then i get pushed to the ground. I reach out for help and get slapped with more problems from all sides. I open my eyes in hope to see something but get blinded by the light that needs me no where.

I know i usually whine on phusebox then say how amaZing life is on MySpace, but i guess i try to be all hype and happy for most people but on here i could care less what you think of me. Seth tells me all the time to be who you are, it doesn't matter what people say. But words always hurt, no matter if they are in love or not.

Ha i'm just gona lay it out there for you and i know most of you wont even read this. No one gets on here anymore, and no cares anymore so what does it matter right.

Life...oh life in itself sucks beyond words. I know i've been through little compared to..say Tyler. He moved away from all he knew and all he wanted. But look at him now, he is a whole new person (not saying it was for the better) he likes where he is and wants to wake up in the morning, he thinks nothing he does is wrong and finds joy. I know my life is way easy and that i should suck it up and move on. But after sucking it up year after year and having to keep pushing through and helping others...really gets to you and brings you down after a while.

Like for once i found real joy again since the whole thing with Tyler. I was super happy and people could tell, my smile wasn't just a face i was wearing, i felt happy! i missed that and i was getting back into the happniess and joy and loved every minute of it. But all that came crashing down in one night, in a matter of minutes. My smile fall like a ton of breaks and i could feel the heavy sadness and hurt fall over me. I reached for help by was turned down with a smile. Why does this always seem to happen???? Why is it that everyone gets their lives right and happy while mine falls and crashes to dust that everyone seems to walk all over. And when my life is hype and happy everyone else is crashing and me being me trys to help and that just brings me crashing down with them. This sucks!!!

I guess all i can do is keep my head up, look forward, stand tall, and keep moving. I'm not gona give up after all i've been through, theres got to be more then this. Theres got to be! I'm gona fight this, i'm gona win this!


April 05 2008

Hey, well life changed today. It changes every day but i didn't see this coming AT ALL. Its funny how when you get happy and find a place you are smiling with 100% joy, something goes wrong and you cry 100% sadness. I guess i'm not truly laughing about it now but i know i will soon. Tomorrow is gona be really hard for me, i'm gona have to start faking again. I've faked for so long, i got to a place were i didn't have to fake it anymore..and now i have to go back to my old ways.

(sigh) life goes on. I have to suck it up and move on. There is no time to vent,cry,fight,yell, or scream. I have to move on and get my life back. Its in the hands of all my friends,guys,working,horses..i need my life back!!!! 

hey hey hey

April 03 2008


hows it going? i never get on here anymore. Well i'm going through my ups and downs, its been really good lately actually. I'm trying to stay strong for a few people i really care about but its freakishly hard for me with one of them. Ha its like watching a sad lovestroy. No lie you could trun my life into a sad lovestroy. Its kinda funny. BUT at the moment i'm SO SO SO SO happy with where i am, i have some friends, someone that makes me smile, i'm getting closer to Christ, and laughing! so its good AT THE MOMENT. Well whats new with you guys?

fun not

March 26 2008

guilty: you do
innocent: you don't

Singing in the shower?: Guilty

Left the stove on?: Guilty

Ate Stale food?: Guilty

Spit in someone's Drink?: Innocent (that would be rather nasty)

Stole Something from a friend?: Not so much stoll but i'll take a T-Shirt and forget i have it :P

Played with Barbies?: Innocent

Kissed your posters of your favorite stars?: Innocent

Listened to stupid music and said you like it?: Guilty

Made someone cry?: Guilty

Opened your Christmas presents early? Innocent

Found money, and didn't turn it in?: Guilty

Gave money to a homeless person?: Innocent..i never have money to give.

Thought "Star Wars" was cool?: Guilty..haha

Had a super-hero costume?: Ha Ha Guilty! Ha Ha

Lied to protect a friend?: Guilty, i'm not happy i did but i have in the past

Broken a bone?: innocent, Pooch E. A and i were talking about that the other day :P

Seen "The Goonies" more than 10 times?: Innocent..i have no idea what "The Goonies" is...

Played a Computer game for more than 5 hours?: innocent

Dyed your hair a color from the rainbow?:innocent but that would be fun :P

Hugged your mom in the past 24 hours?: Innocent

...Have you Ever...

Ran through the sprinklers?: Guilty! its oh so much fun

Ran through the sprinklers naked?: not that fun! lol innocent

Went outside naked?: who would do that?  innocent

Flashed somebody?: innocent but i have been flashed

Mooned somebody?: innocent yet again i have been mooned

Been on stage?: Guilty

been on stage naked or close to it?: ha who makes up these questions??


Been in a parade?: Guilty

Been in a school play?: Innocent

Drank beer?: Innocent

Went to work/school with a hangover?: oh you know me partying it up :P


Gotten detention?: innocent ha i'm homeschooled:P

Gotten expelled?: innocent again i say i'm homeschooed

Been on a plane?: Innocent

Been on a cruise?: Innocent, i'm so hot on big bodies of water

Traveled out of the country?: Innocent

Liked somebody you could never have?: Guilty :(

Liked a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?: Innocent

Cheated on a test?: Innocent

Broken into a house?: Innocent

Stolen from your own family?: innocent

Flipped somebody off?: not to their face persay but yeah i'm Guilty

Ate spoiled food by accident?: Innocent

Ate spoiled food on purpose?: Innocent

Ate food you dropped on the floor?: :P Guilty

Laughed at a funeral?: when they said something funny.  Guilty

Watched somebody's death?: i guess you could say i did with both my grandparents slowly dieing infront of me so i suppose i'm Guilty

Killed somebody?: Innocent


Gotten a tattoo?: So far Innocent.

Gotten piercings?: Innocent.

Fired a gun?: Guilty


Gotten into a fist fight?: ..so far..lol innocent.

Gotten into a shouting match?: :P Guilty

Swallowed sea/pool water?: nasty but Guilty

i didn't mean to!!!

Swallowed sea/pool water on purpose?:Innocent

Spun yourself in circles to get dizzy on purpose?: Guilty

Laughed so hard it hurt?: Guilty

Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: innocent

Seen a live birth?: Innocent

Delivered a baby/animal?: INNOCENT

Had an imaginary friend?: Guilty :P

Fell down a whole flight of stairs?: Innocent

Tripped on stairs?: Guilty

Tripped on your own feet?: Guilty ;)

Cried yourself to sleep?: Guilty

Cried in public?: Guilty

Thrown up in public?: innocent

Lied to your parents?: Guilty

Skipped school?: innocent

Hit an animal with your vehicle?: i've been in a car when it happened but it wasn't my vehicle. innocent/Guilty

cheated on someone?:Innocent


Been cheated on: not sure...


Been one who helped another cheat?: innocent

Cried so hard you threw up?: innocent

Given a wet willy to someone?: Innocent

Gotten a wet willy?: Nasty but Guilty


March 15 2008

okay so i'm always telling you what makes ME smile..but now its YOUR turn!!! So my question today is..WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE?*If you take the time to read this..PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE answer it!!! Thank you*


March 10 2008










March 06 2008

Ha life is so funny. I mean really, sit back and look at your life.......now that you've done this, did you think you would end up where you are? I sure as heck didn't think i would be where i am. Where am i? you ask...(if you didn't ask..to bad your gonna find out :P) I am sitting in a chair at the computer..rather cold but deeper then that i'm slipping and moving forward at the same time. Its rather weird..i mean everytime i hear or read something about my EXBestFriend / EXboyfriend life is the one thing i dont want, no lie i stop breathing and die a little more. But when i'm with anyone else or at church i'm a whole other person. I laugh and smile and really mean it. At times i'm moving forward in Christ, i finally found where i need to be and i have an idea where i need to be and people NEED me. It always feels good to be NEEDED. And yet again i'm crushed b/c someone that makes me smile...has let me down...and my mom is always on my case for not being who she wants me to be. You know what i need...you guessed it..a girls night with FLINT! :P Face paint...laughing..randomness! sounds like a party! :P hahaWell yeah now that this is overly long and no one will read all this so i better just close it off and say sorry for not making you smile today..i'll try better next time.


March 04 2008

Are you happy that you met the person who posted this before you?

Do you like orange juice?
Its okay

Reason behind the last time you threw up?
I don't remember the last time. I was probably really sick.

Do you have unlimited texting?

Has anyone lied to you today?

How would i know. The only people i talked to were Seth,Sam, and Scooter

What kind of shampoo do you use?
Dove, i think

How many myspace friends do you have?
like 47 i think

Isn't it a little late for you to be up?
its like 5:30...lol

What song made you cry last?
uhmmm none 


Who was the last person to abuse your trust?
Thats easy Tyler

How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
3times..or more:P

Do you like ring pops?

What do you think when you look in the mirror?
wow there are two of me. lol j/k i dont know what i think

What does your hair look like right now?
horrible lol

What's your favorite brand of crackers?
i have not a clue.

Last time you snuck out?

What's the reason behind why you last cried?
I dont feel the need to tell you but thanks for asking anyway

Ever dated anyone in your top 4?
not my top 4...but go a little farther down and you might find someone......

Do you like bananas?
they are good

Do you try in school?


Bored is fun

March 03 2008
lol fun times :P

fun times

March 03 2008
lol wow we are so amaZingly weird :P

be happy your alive

February 29 2008

Okay so i am going to be happy! Yaaaa all smiles here! How are my people? No one is ever on PhuseBox other then my girl Flint. Well tomorrow i have to wake up super early, like an unGodly hour so i can go somewhere with Flint. I dont even know where i'm going...all i know is it has to do with Cars and i have a feeling i'll be taking alot of pictures like always. Well even though life sucks BIG TIME i'm gona smile and try to make other people happy. B/c making other people smile or laugh makes me WAY happy so i think i shall smile more and look down less! I should keep my head held high, i've done nothing wrong or anything to mess anything up, so i should be oh so happy! yeah...right....Well thanks for reading my oh so boring and meaningless "thought" leave me stuff if you feel the need to be nice and make my day :P(oh and Flint i dont feel like messaging you but i was thinking about when we went to Main-Street..and i just so happened to be doing that just at that time when we came out of the oh so amaZing pink store were i said the word Giggly is so much fun to say and the lady looked at me funny :P lol fun times!)


February 28 2008

well i just have a second and no one really reads these so i dont really know why i even put anything up. But i might was well.


Uhmm yeah so life is rather crappy. I never get to see my friends and the one night i get to see *someone* my brother was watching me like i was a new TV show. It was so sad..so i didn't get to TALK to *someone* and that made me rather sad.

well my times up.