Allen Harvey
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
UT- Chattanooga (Go Mocs!)
TEACHING, working with special needs kids, Football, cooking, baking, HISTORY, baseball, basketball, Madden, Blitz, reading, writing, talking to friends, giving advice.
Favorite Music
Classic Rock: AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Guns -n-Roses, Led Zepplin, Boston, Metallica, motorhead, The Eagles, Cheap Trick, Poison, Ratt. Country: Randy Travis, Travis Tritt, John Michael Montgomery, Garth Brooks, Vern Gosden, Carrie Underwood, Reba McEntire, Leann Rhimes.
Favorite Movies
All the Exorcist Movies, Revenge of the Nerds series, Harry Potter series, Bourne Supremacy, House of Wax, 40 year-old virgin, Madagascar, Hitch, Love Actually, The Notebook, Under the Tuscan Sun, Bio-Dome, LOTR, Son-In-Law, Pauly Shore is Dead, Dude, Where's My Car?
Favorite Books
Harry Potter, LOTR, The Hobbit, anything by Dean Koontz, A Lesson Before Dying.
Im having surgery...
November 01 2006
GSPT mini-Reunion!
October 08 2006
September 08 2006
"Down with the Sickness"
August 24 2006
So yeah....... been alittle sick the past few days, getting alittle better though.......... but the main point in this is Laura's grandpa is very sick and close to passing, so it would be amazing if you all could just help pray for him! Thanks! God Bless!
In Christ!
Oh! S!
August 19 2006
Party weekend
August 06 2006
So yeah....... this weekend was full of parties, dotn worry, they are non-alcoholic/drugs parties...... on Saturday I had my pool party, and this morning I drove up to Waverly and went to church with her (first time at a Nazarene church) and we went to her friends house for their joint belated b-day parties............... it was pretty nifty, and I had a blast, especially just having the chance to see Laura again and be able to go for a walk and just talk alone, I really enjoyed that.......... I am so blessed. Well I g2g. God Bless!
In Christ!
August 05 2006
So yeah......... just looking at all the financial aid oppurtunities I have........... I really want to go to UTC, but I would be away from most of my friends................. the only people I know that are going to UTC are a few Governors School people............. it is an amazing school, and the only one in Tennessee that I like that has an Honors Program.............and the scholarships I can get from that will, along with the HOPE, cover tuition and books and housing.......... I really miss the Lockmiller Apartments................. but I dont want to leave my friends behind........... especially one that I met at Governors School who wants to go to Tevecca......... I dunno what to do......... I want to go to UTC, but my heart tells me that I should hang around here.............. cause that friend is really important than me and it may become more than friendship............. comments would be very helpful, just dont tell me I need to pray, cause believe me, I am doing that one very frequently, I have taht covered, but some help from you all would be nice............. well I g2g............ it's late, and I am hosting a party tomorrow.......... God bless you all!
In Christ!
Letting go
August 04 2006
Lately I have had so much on my mind and have slowly but surely been sifting through it, but it wouldnt have been possible for me to reach this decision had God not been guiding me through everything. I have decided with His help that I need to let go of my past, and concentrate on the future and the oppurtunities he has placed in front of me. Now I know that many of you are thinking, "yeah well, thats common sense," but the thing is, you really dont know what you have until you are faced with a decision where you have to look at everything in retrospect. However, the main point of this blog is to praise God and show how He can help if you just ask Him into your heart, and also I would like to thank my friends for all of their help. I have such amazing friends.......... my life is so blessed, and I owe all that I am to my Lord, Jesus Christ. For my friends who arent really spiritual, I urge you to find faith, and let Christ in. Well, it is late, and I am tired, so I am off to bed. God Bless you all!
In Christ!
GSPT near the end.
June 25 2006
Well folks...... GSPT is almost over, I cant believe how fast it has flown by. My final presentation is due Wednesday, which will be my final grade, yes I said grade, I am working on it with Laura and our topic is School Leadership..............yuck. I miss you all back home, but when I get back I will miss everyone here so much......... I have had such an amazing time here, and to think that at the end of it I will have Education 201 and Technology in the Classroom credits, that is six hour credits I dont need when I major in Education! yippeee! Well, I guess I will go, need to finish my lesson plan.......... talk to you all soon!
In Christ!
June 14 2006
So yeah.... havent been up to much lately with having to be at Spectrum all day, but finally have some time to update while I am in Technology. The kid that I am the counselor for is 12 years old and his name is Connor, he is moderately autistic and is severly ADHD. Even though he annoys the crap out of me by talking my ear off, I still have had one of the best times of my life this week, and I may even volunteer next summer. But anyways i will try and update later..... God Bless!
In Christ!
June 08 2006
So yeah i am at GSPT right now............. having a REALLY good time. It is amazing to finally be around people who think like me. I am serious, everyone here is brilliant, it is beyond belief that we all were able to come together and have a chance such as this. And to top things off, next week we are going to be camp counselors for the special needs children (Autistic, Downs syndrome), it will be so amazing to be able to work with them for a week, i am really looking forward too it, and it will definitely help me decide if i want to become a teacher or not.... but yeah..... so anyways, I know this is like the worst grammer I have ever used in my life but i am typing this during my lunch break....... ugh..... that reminds me that I have technology class next..... yuck! We had it from 6-9 the last two nights.....g2g.... God bless!
In Christ!
Last Post
May 25 2006
Hey guys, I know I havent updated in awhile, but life has just thrown so many curves, first off I want to thank all of you who have prayed for my grandfather, he is finally getting better, second I hope ALL of you all have a wonderful summer, I have been in contact with some people going to Governor's School, they seem nice enough, Ashley W and Sarah J will probably be life long friends for me after all Ashley is the first one to ever top my knowledge of Harry Potter. Once again I hope you all have a wonderful summer, take care and God Bless all of you!
In Christ!
Home Sweet Home
April 02 2006
Well.............Spring Break is almost over................got home last night.........only to find that my fish were almost dead..........I was unable to save them...........last tiem I leave my grandma to care for them..........other than that I had a good time in Florida............went to Panama City Beach............luckily it was in a different area than I went in the summer.......I dont think I could have handled the memories at the other place.............I hope everyone had a fantastic break! God Bless!
In Christ,
Last post before SPRING BREAK!!!!
March 24 2006
So yeah...............this is my last post before I venture to the "Sunshine" state, atleast I hope it is sunny.............gonna be "sleepin all day, stayin' out all night"............lol....yeah right, if you believe that you dont knwo me too well...............just gonna be goofin' off the whole time with my bestfriend, probably play alot of golf.................can't wait! I hope ya'll have a fun and safe SPRING BREAK!!!! God Bless!!!!
In Christ,
-" Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly."
Govenor's School
March 20 2006
"Jesus take the wheel"
March 17 2006
Why does life have to be so difficult................this past year and a half has been horrible.......we are constantly running into problems......and now to top it all off.......my grandad is in the hospital in Knoxville..........He has been getting more and more sick............ I don't think I can handle losing another person who is such an important part of my world......... it seems every year I lose another one or two relatives.......... this is when the Carrie Underwood's song fits in...............I cant do this on my own........... I hope everyone else is doing well..........please pray for my grandad though......... God Bless......
"Jesus take the wheel, take it from my hand, cause I can't do this on my own...."