Some Changes.....

November 18 2005
Well today, I have been totally exhausted. I registered for classes on Thursday, and got a pretty cool schedule. I hope all is well with you guys. I am about to go to the UT vs. ETSU basketball game, where I get to be part of the Power T for the team to run out of. I am so excited.

I hope that the game goes well tomorrow.
I will be home for Thanksgiving, so see yall then. I will have some new tricks with Final Cut Pro, to amaze the masses,jk


Unreached People Facts
9,161 people groups (counting by country) have the New Testament available in their primary language, totaling 5,520,645,465 individuals.

"After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb."
Rev 7:9


November 18 2005
yay for the fun you're having and yay for this weekend!


November 18 2005
I love that Verse and I love the song they made out of it haha know i'm singing it in my head wow i'll probably be singing that the rest of the night lol. Well maybe you'll be on TV tomorrow during the game that would be pretty funny ttyl

Alicia May

November 20 2005
Hey when are you coming home? You wouldnt have that video done yet? I thought if you did i could meet up with you and come and get it. Let me know!

Rachael Vance

November 20 2005
congrats on your baptisim!!!


November 22 2005
Hey I didn't see you on tv. I'm glad I wasn't there because that would have been a sad place to be I bet it was but hey just wanted to say have an awesome thanksgiving and maybe i'll see ya ttyl bye Abi


November 23 2005
How am I supposed to call you?? Are you gonna go to belle aire babtist on sunday?? Will you still be in town?? anyway lots of questions haha have an awesome thanksgiving Abi