
September 28 2005
This week hasn't been nice to me!! Here is what happened to me:

1. On Sunday I went to see a movie...well it was raining and my windshield wiper broke...yeah and it was raining HARD!! I couldn't see the road.

2. I got a parking violation at MTSU!! SCREW YOU GAY MTSU PARKING PEOPLE!!

3. I am in PAIN...get my drift...

4. Had to finish my speech tuesday night when it was due the next day...NOT GOOD!! I flipped out!!

5. I presented my speech...I freaked myself out...

6. Got hit on in a sick..gross...nasty..way

...this is not the week to pick on me or be mean to me...I will go off on you!! I just need a break!! Oh to all the boys out there when you ask to kiss/makeout don't say I want to clean out your mouth....Gross and awkward...Just kiss the girl and don't talk

I WANT A BOY!! Where are you hiding!? sigh

OMG FREAKING GOSH!! Could it get worse!? I was at K-Mart last night and I was trying on this cute little boy's hoodie (yeah what now!? its so cute) and I was going to take a picture because it was so cute...pull out my f-in camera and its broken!! W-T-F!? FOR THE SECOND FREAKIN TIME!! WHY!!!


September 28 2005
haha just talking about the whole nap part of the party... acting like your dreaming about the color red was the best part of it.

Rebeca Watts

September 28 2005
I got a parking violation the other day too. It sucks that a parking ticket is $25. Thats insane. Well if you ever need someone to hand out with just give me a call. I love you Erica.