My birthday!!

March 19 2006
Hey there!! Well today was my 19th b-day...I know I'm getting old...well my day was good I spent it with one of my best friends and my family. I've never felt so many emotions at once as I have today. I almost cried, screamed all that naughty words I could think of, laugh my butt off and cry at the same time...depressed....but over all my b-day was awesome! I got alot of cards, a troll pin (LONG story), Jack Johnson cd, a BIG balloon, playdough, dozen roses(LONG and CREEPY story), lots of stuff for my ipod, SunnyD, and a BUTT load of gum, money, giftcard for itunes.....sigh.....good times

Kylie Boy

March 19 2006
I'm going to get an iPod for my 19th birthday in 59 days and for graduation in 61 days...because they're close together...I won't be able to differentiate the 'graduation' and the 'birthday' from one another...unless there were birthday cakes on some and deploma type things on the others...


March 21 2006
HAPPY B-DAY ERICA! youre getting so old *sigh* i remember back in the day when i was steve & you did gymnastics down paige's hall...*weeps* much love