ridding down the road with the windows down

June 28 2005
well today was normal...i stayed at home and cleaned house....then my mom came home and we went to the mall and we just kinda drove around...it was really fun,it was just kinda of relaxing to do that just live a little and waste some gas driving around with the windows down...i love doing that..when i can drive that is prolly all i will do...well then we went to the mall and i got some new vans...the checker-board ones...i already had them but they had a whole in the toe and i would wear them to church and my mom was like why dont i just bye you a new pair..so she did...and then i drove home which was fun....since i dont have my perminte...haha!well thats all for now...bye loves.

Travis Milner

June 29 2005
thats really cool and i am gunna do that too cuz my road is like country and then big neighborhood lol Bye, Travis

brett ireland

July 02 2005