The Only Way To Make Work Fun

July 11 2005
Do you know the only way to make working at CVS fun and not boring?? It's being able to work 5 hours with the really cute guy that works with me!

I've had so much fun these past few days hanging out with my friends. Finding out the Julie thinks that once you're 25 you're old. Eating a delicious salad and laughing like crazy while at O' Charley's! Then watching Hitched which was absolutely hilarious! Then on Saturday I got to spend time with my bestest friend LizBeth. We went over to Victoria's Secret in Stones River and bought a bunch of lotion. Then when we got back to her house we watched the first two Anne of Green Gables but we only watched the good know the parts with Gilbert! And I cried at the end as usual. I'm so emotional! Then Sunday I went with Dena, Rach, and Julie to see Bewitched! It was so cute and funny!

You know over the past few days I can't help but thinking about how much I am gonna be missing my friends in a little over a month. I know I'll make new friends and become closer to some like Julie, Katie, Jessi, and Mallory since I will be going to school with them! But I just don't know what I'm going to do without LizBeth, Rachel, Amy, Dena, Jessimica, Lauren, and all my other really awesome friends! I've made so many memories just during Senior Year...probably more than all the other three years together! I just want to be able to hang out with everyone before I leave and I just don't know if that's going to happen and that makes me sad. I'm really thankful though to have already been hanging out to some of my friends that mean the most to me though!

I am so thankful to have God so apparent in my life at this point in my life. It's such a pivotal point in my life and I'm so glad he is here to guide me through all this confusion. I can't even imagine what would have happened if I had prayed for God to help me over this past year with all my decisions. Who knows where I would be at college and who knows what I would be majoring in! I'm really glad God has given me all this advice and guidance over this past year. I'm so thankful he sent me friends that are such strong Christians and help me resist any temptations that I might face.

Well, I guess I'm gonna do some reading and then go to bed! Love you guys!



July 12 2005
:o) we'll definitey hanging out b4 u leave! and more than once too! haha! love ya girl!


July 13 2005
look at the picture box again...