Bad Day

November 22 2005

Hey, Sorry I havent updated in while. Well to day was a pretty. This morning was pretty bad my mom got mad me b/c I asked her to fix my hair b/c it wasnt workin w/ me so I told that it wasnt working and she mad and yelled me "DONT EVER ASK ME 4 HELP AGIAN"  so I started to cry and was like "Are u P.M.Sing on me already" so I told to get out and she slamed my stratner down and almost broke it. So she was yelling at me to hurry up so I ran into my to get shoes and in the process of this yelling and screaming at each other my dog had PISSED on the floor and I just manged to step in it. And my dad is now yelling at me to come down stairs so I grab EVERYthing and run down stairs  and almost fall. Well my gets at the dog and drops my food all OVER the front porch cause I told that the dog had pissed on the floor which makes me jump back and scrap my foot cause remeber I have no shoes on. So my dog ride to school w/ us and she is on her peiord so she gets blood all over my favorit pair of pants that made me even more angry. So I get to science class yeah umm pretty sure I only got 5 rite then I get lunch and I am crying and I get to math have a test in there but I think I did good on that one but idk. And my day slowly got better  dog that pissed on the carpet