I hate having to put titles in here I can never think of a clever one...

November 25 2005

Thanksgiving was alright. I didn't pig out, but I had filling of food.

Another Thanksgiving has come to to pass. Oh how I personally have a battle with this holiday. It brings out my appreciation for things and my reluctance for memories on this day.

I still miss my brother and I always will. When I was younger he'd always be the one to hang out with and have 100% fun. He'd make your time around him never boring.

I'm thankful for my family, friends, and my love

I'm reluctant that it's these two days, that a phone call and my parents rushing to the hospital, leaving me to be taken home. Only to wake up the next day and here Jason's gone.

So always be thankful on this holiday. be thankful for what you have and what you had. I feel stupid to say that. I feel like I've become to only appreciate things when they're gone. I'm the complainee aren't I?

Merry Thanksgiving


Donald Allen

December 04 2005
hey, my band's got more music, you should check it out at www.myspace.com/pillowtalk1 thanks.....