Paul Morgan


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LEE University

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passed out

October 30 2005
A kid passed out at "The Judgement" tonight...
it was kinda funny, kinda not...
I look over and see this kid react really strangely as Rebecca cut herself. I thought the seen just really affected him. Then he stumbled a little and caught himself. I realized what was going on, stepped over and grabbed his elbow and held him up just as he just about bashed his head into the corner of the file cabnet behind him. I could barely hold him up cuz the angle I was at and my arms were extended....

Aaron Massey

October 30 2005
dude..... i almost passed out in that room.... that's freaky....

Nathan Moore

October 30 2005
nice save...

Garrett Haynes

October 31 2005
man i appreciate u catching me and saving my head from being split open on a file cabinet. I just have a certain sensitivity to people cutting their wrists and excessive bleeding. I passed out cold last year when the teacher was talking about hemophiliacs. Thanks again.


October 31 2005
...yah yah yah..trying to be the hero..i see.