Anybody want to buy some cookie dough?

August 27 2005

The Youth Leadership Retreat begins today. I'm not sure what to expect, but I think it will be an excellent two days.

However, I've yet to do any of my mountainous pile of homework, except a little etymology, so I'm going to be extremely stressed Sunday. Nothing I can't handle, though.

Trust. I need to trust. Of all virtues, this I lack. Trusting in God about my future, which always seems hazy and threatens disappointment. I wish I knew what was coming...or no, not what's coming, per se, but I wish I knew for a fact that whatever's coming is good. Trust. I must trust that there is a plan there.

Well I'm out.


August 27 2005
Trust- I have major issues with that virtue as well. I don't trust enough is my problem....Have fun at your retreat.


August 27 2005
Good picture of "A dawg" by the


August 27 2005
I have trouble with trust too... and believe me, when you struggle with that, God will test it!

Nathan Moore

August 27 2005
cookie dough rocks.


August 28 2005
that's funny....trusting's one of the things that I do too much of, if you it's possible to trust too much.


August 28 2005
scratch the extra "you"